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Data Synthesis

In this notebook we'll demonstrate how causal-validation can be used to simulate synthetic datasets. We'll start with very simple data to which a static treatment effect may be applied. From there, we'll build up to complex datasets. Along the way, we'll show how reproducibility can be ensured, plots can be generated, and unit-level parameters may be specified.

from itertools import product

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import (

from causal_validation import (
from causal_validation.effects import StaticEffect
from causal_validation.plotters import plot
from causal_validation.transforms import (
from causal_validation.transforms.parameter import UnitVaryingParameter

Simulating a Dataset

Simulating a dataset is as simple as specifying a Config object and then invoking the simulate function. Once simulated, we may visualise the data through the plot function.

cfg = Config(

data = simulate(cfg)
ax = plot(data)
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Controlling baseline behaviour

We observe that we have 10 control units, each of which were sampled from a Gaussian distribution with mean 20 and scale 0.2. Had we wished for our underlying observations to have more or less noise, or to have a different global mean, then we can simply specify that through the config file.

means = [10, 50]
scales = [0.1, 0.5]

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=2, figsize=(10, 6), tight_layout=True)
for (m, s), ax in zip(product(means, scales), axes.ravel(), strict=False):
    cfg = Config(
    data = simulate(cfg)
    _ = plot(data, ax=ax, title=f"Mean: {m}, Scale: {s}")
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In the above four panels, we can see that whilst the mean and scale of the underlying data generating process is varying, the functional form of the data is the same. This is by design to ensure that data sampling is reproducible. To sample a new dataset, you may either change the underlying seed in the config file.

cfg = Config(

Reusing the same config file across simulations

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(10, 3))
for ax in axes:
    data = simulate(cfg)
    _ = plot(data, ax=ax)
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Or manually specifying and passing your own pseudorandom number generator key

rng = np.random.RandomState(42)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(10, 3))
for ax in axes:
    data = simulate(cfg, key=rng)
    _ = plot(data, ax=ax)
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Simulating an effect

In the data we have seen up until now, the treated unit has been drawn from the same data generating process as the control units. However, it can be helpful to also inflate the treated unit to observe how well our model can recover the the true treatment effect. To do this, we simply compose our dataset with an Effect object. In the below, we shall inflate our data by 2%.

effect = StaticEffect(effect=0.02)
inflated_data = effect(data)
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(10, 3))
ax0 = plot(data, ax=ax0, title="Original data")
ax1 = plot(inflated_data, ax=ax1, title="Inflated data")
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More complex generation processes

The example presented above shows a very simple stationary data generation process. However, we may make our example more complex by including a non-stationary trend to the data.

trend_term = Trend(degree=1, coefficient=0.1)
data_with_trend = effect(trend_term(data))
ax = plot(data_with_trend)
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trend_term = Trend(degree=2, coefficient=0.0025)
data_with_trend = effect(trend_term(data))
ax = plot(data_with_trend)
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We may also include periodic components in our data

periodicity = Periodic(amplitude=2, frequency=6)
perioidic_data = effect(periodicity(trend_term(data)))
ax = plot(perioidic_data)
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Unit-level parameterisation

sampling_dist = norm(0.0, 1.0)
intercept = UnitVaryingParameter(sampling_dist=sampling_dist)
trend_term = Trend(degree=1, intercept=intercept, coefficient=0.1)
data_with_trend = effect(trend_term(data))
ax = plot(data_with_trend)
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sampling_dist = poisson(2)
frequency = UnitVaryingParameter(sampling_dist=sampling_dist)

p = Periodic(frequency=frequency)
ax = plot(p(data))
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In this notebook we have shown how one can define their model's true underlying data generating process, starting from simple white-noise samples through to more complex example with periodic and temporal components, perhaps containing unit-level variation. In a follow-up notebook, we show how these datasets may be integrated with Amazon's own AZCausal library to compare the effect estimated by a model with the true effect of the underlying data generating process. A link to this notebook is here.